Goodville players from different countries do have differences in severity of anxiety symptoms. We conducted a comparative study of player survey data from 43 countries using the GAD-7 questionnaire integrated into Goodville. GAD-7 is a well-known and popular questionnaire that assesses presence and severity of symptoms of clinically significant anxiety. The results of the study are shown on histogram.

The histogram shows average values of ranking scores obtained from player assessment data using GAD-7. Minimum sample size was at least 1,000 respondents, and maximum was 184,000 players. Statistical analysis divided countries into several groups according to severity of anxiety among players. Players from Philippines, Singapore, Argentina, Switzerland, Mexico and New Zealand had the least severity of anxiety symptoms. Somewhat higher anxiety was among players from Austria, Canada, Germany, Malaysia. On the third place were players from France, Sweden, USA, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain and Japan. The fourth place was shared by players from Australia, Russia, Ukraine, South Korea, Belarus, India, Portugal, Great Britain. Players from Thailand, Romania, Denmark, Brazil, Serbia, and Ireland rank fifth in terms of severity of anxiety symptoms. A higher level of anxiety symptoms was noted among players from Norway, Czech Republic, Greece, and Iran. Players from Poland, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Israel and Vietnam took the highest place of anxiety severity.
It should be noted that the average GAD-7 scores for players in most countries corresponded to mild levels of anxiety. Only scores that were obtained by players of the last group corresponded to middle level of clinical anxiety.