The phenomenon of well-being has long been an important theoretical and experimental issue in psychology, especially in recent years when the emotional state of the population has been tested in many different ways. According to "Psychology Today", the definition of emotional well-being includes "the ability to practice stress management techniques, be resilient and generate emotions that result in good feeling". According to the Mental Health Foundation and the CDC, "A positive sense of well-being allows a person to function in society and meet the needs of their daily life. Well-being is usually based on general opinions about life satisfaction and feelings ranging from depression to joy."
However, many people confuse emotional well-being with mental well-being. Mental well-being or mental health depends on many factors such as biological, psychological, social and environmental, which include: living conditions, discrimination and violence, education, connection to the community, social acceptance and participation, access to economic resources. The components of emotional health are also components of mental well-being. These are the individual factors involved in emotional regulation, such as the ability to cope with stress, and the communication and social skills needed to maintain relationships with others.
Each aspect of well-being can influence its other components. Many studies have therefore focused on how mental and emotional ill-health negatively affects physical health, leading to an increased risk of cancer, heart and respiratory disease. In addition to this, anew data is emerging, the data that focuses on the positive impact of well-being on health.
Thus, the construct of "emotional well-being" is an integrative term that defines the effectiveness of a person's functioning in terms of their emotional status. As the construct of well-being in general and psycho-emotional well-being in particular is a measure of public health, the development of tools to measure well-being (and its individual components) in a population is a crucial step for improving health policy worldwide. The use of a game-based format can provide new and unique insights into players' psychological functioning, emotional state and behavioural traits, which is particularly important in terms of developing remote forms of diagnostic and remedial care.
The Goodville:Farm Game Adventure project set out to develop a method based on population screening to assess components of emotional well-being that could be implemented in game content.
To achieve our objectives, we collected 6,739 user response sequences from the Goodville app and analysed them. Game content included the Psychological General Well-BeingIndex (PGWBI), which included scales assessing:
1) general psychological well-being
2) anxiety
3) depressive mood
4) emotional state
5) self-control
6) physical state
7) general state of health.
After collecting user responses, we conducted a psychometric analysis of responses based on the Rasch metric system (a mathematical model that transforms raw test results into interval scales), which allowed us to check the reliability of the survey methods and its results, assess the difficulty level of test items for users, put individual items and results of individual examinees in the focus of the study, rather than only provide generalised statistics. After establishing the validity of the data collected, population-based screening and subsequent cross-country comparisons were performed. Significance of differences between scores of users from different countries was determined using the Mann-Whitney U-criterion, and the Kraskell-Wallis H-criterion (thus determining whether the differences obtained were random).
Based on the Rasch model, we performed a "cleanup" of the raw data to select only those responses whose validity was confirmed. Thus, out of 6,739 test results, 3,096cases (45.94%) were selected for further analysis.
The number of valid cases was distributed by country as follows:

1) The first scale was the General Well-Being scale

The results of this scale show that most of the indicators are located in the ranges corresponding to an average level of emotional well-being ("yellow zone" in the diagrams), while some are in the"red zone" and indicate a low level of emotional well-being.Consequently, the issue of improving emotional well-being for the users surveyed is quite relevant. Users from Belarus and India had the lowest level of emotional well-being.

2) The next scale assessed the level of anxiety of the users

Thus, the majority of users indicated that they experienced moderate levels of anxiety, some were in the range of significantly expressed anxiety and a minority indicated no anxiety experiences. The highest levels of anxiety (corresponding to lower scores on the Anxiety scale) were found among users from India and Belarus. The lowest levels of anxiety (corresponding to higher scores on the Anxiety scale) were found by users from New Zealand and Singapore.

3) Scale 3 assessed depression

Users from Canada and New Zealand had the lowest levels of depression (corresponding to higher scores on the Depression scale). The highest level of depression was found among users from India. In contrast to anxiety, levels of depression were not significantly different for users from Belarus than in Australia, New Zealand or the US. This suggests that while there is no significant difference between Belarus andIndia on the anxiety scale, there is a significant difference on the depression scale.

4) Scale 4 assesses Positive well-being

The lowest level of emotional well-being was reported by users from Belarus, meaning emotional depression and dissatisfaction with life, and a significant decrease in interest and enjoyment of life.

5) Scale 5 - Self-control assessment

Self-control levels were highest among users from Canada and the USA. Users in Singapore, the Philippines and India had the lowest levels of self-control.
6) Scales 6 and 7 assessed the vitality and general health

The lowest level of vitality was reported in Belarus and one of the highest was reported in India. However, on the General Health indicator (scale 7), users from India had the lowest level.
To sum up, Belarus and India stood out with the highest number of low scales (highlighted in red, see Table 11). The greatest similarity between these countries was observed on scales 1 and 2, with differences on scales 3, 4, 6, and 7 (see Table 12).

After collecting and evaluating the results of the study, we found that the distribution of data characterizing the emotional well-being of users, obtained in a comparative aspect between the continents of the globe, provides a basis for their subsequent in-depth analysis in the organization of prevention and correction systems of psychological states, taking into account regional opportunities and perspectives. This study also showed that new psychometric technology allows effective analysis and processing of psychodiagnostic data obtained in a mobile game format. And just as importantly, the approach we used to assess emotional well-being using Goodville allowed us to identify the particular position of respondents from Belarus and India (compared to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, the USA) as having higher levels of anxiety and lower scores on scales assessing general psychological state, emotional well-being and vitality.