Everyone got anxious at least once
And this is a complete truth. Each one of us at least once have dealt with anxiety.
Sometimes it can help us in dire situations, for example when we need to get away from a dangerous situation. Or as a student you can experience a motivational surge when anxiety comes out during the exam period.
Yet in general anxiety can be defined as a physiological and psychological unease feeling triggered by a threat or an event with uncertain outcome.
When you are anxious aside from feeling worry and nervousness, your body activates a number of systems aimed at dealing with unknown danger.
Your body cares about your survival, yet sometimes it gets extreme!

Different threats - different anxiety
Depending on your perception of the situation and how severe it is - you’d feel a different type of anxiety.
Symptoms might include: fear and dread, an exaggerated startle reflex, poor concentration, irritation, and insomnia.
Natural cause of anxiety - You want to protect what is important for you!
Hence, experiencing anxiety is absolutely normal from time to time, and in some cases it could be even beneficial for you.
Unfortunately, it does not exclude cases with persistent, pervasive and outsized anxiety.
This anxiety can cause various disorders as a result, like panic disorder, specific phobias, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder etc.
Daily activities can be greatly affected by these symptoms and can be very difficult to handle. Feelings like this aren't proportional to the danger and will dreadfully affect your life.
Can I make it stop?
You can manage anxiety!
Don’t let it go untreated!
Anxiety is a transient emotional state, so it’s possible to reduce and even completely rid yourself of anxiety.
We’d like to present you with healthy coping mechanisms that you might find helpful for your personal case:
Do what you do best
Creativity begets positivity!
Do the things that you enjoy, do the stuff you’re good at. Write, paint, cook, play music, dance, sing, feel or do anything that gets you going “Wow, that’s my thing!” Positive relief from anxiety can be found precisely in the things that you love.
Get Social
Positive communication with people you like is beneficial, because it’s hard to fight anxiety alone. It's good to talk about your feelings with a friend or family member to gain perspective.
REMEMBER! People who you communicate over your anxiety with should be supportive.
Sharing your worries with overly opinionated people or with guilt trippers (those who will shift the blame on you) might end up in feelings of loneliness and strengthen anxiety.
Keep moving
Exercise releases endorphins, also known as "happy hormones”
Don’t have time or resolve for an exercise? It’s okay!
Take a stroll through the park or around the neighbourhood on your way somewhere. Various types of exercise can improve your mood and health.
Make sure to stay active for most part of the week and you will feel the difference.
Breath in…Breathe out
Practising breathing will help. When done right, breathing exercises reduce heart rate. The lower your heart rate, the less anxious you'll be.
There is a special exercise known to help with simple name “4-7-8”
Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds.
Keep your breath for 7 seconds
And slowly exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds
Repeat this cycle a few times before returning to your normal breathing pattern.
Flow like the water
Quite an easy way to reduce anxiety is by taking a bath.
You can even go and create a relaxing detox bath that will improve your overall health condition.
Epsom salt, sea salt and your favourite essential oil can help you with that.
Get in the bath, light a candle and relax.
Grounding – you won’t need soil
Grounding (don’t mistake it for “Earthing”) – is a technique that reminds you to live in the moment. Here and now. Some grounding exercises you can try include: putting your hands under cold water, showering in cold water, shaking your body gently, and focusing attention on your breathing.
The 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise is a good one.
Sit down.
Name 5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
And 1 thing you can taste.
Feel the moment and life around you and set your priorities according to your current needs.
And now…
Make sure to combine said coping techniques with positive habits.
Eating healthy food, getting 8 hours of sleep every day, keeping control of your thoughts and asking for help when you need it.
Last point is vitally important, because it’s okay to ask for help.
Everyone needs help sometimes.
Self-care is important, yet if there is a need and anxiety has become an all-too-regular occurrence for you – it’s better to seek consultation with a specialist.
Therapists help people deal with problems like anxiety. You can discuss your concerns and receive advice on how to resolve the issues and minimise anxiety symptoms with a tailored plan.
Stay healthy and reduce your anxiety.
Remember that distraction is also a copying technique that can be combined with any of the upper-mentioned.
Watching TV, hanging out with friends or playing your favourite game, like Goodville, can distract you from the worries of daily life.
With your self-love will come self-care.
And with your self-care you’ll get a better life that you deserve!